In the tough economic times that many families are facing, it may be comforting to know that a thoroughly comprehensive, up to date, easily readable guide with expert, experienced advice is readily available for students. Mr. Krueger has encountered, year after year, many parents overwhelmed by it all, and who are even more apprehensive than their sons and daughters.
This book has been marketed and sold in 12 states and Canada to date since January 2010. Although Ken's book was written before the new Online Digital SAT, most information is current, useful, and relevant.
"Krueger's Book is a definitive how-to guide that touches every aspect of the college planning process. It is heavy on touching every base, walking you through the college planning process from beginning to end, so that your first step on campus is light. This book will help thousands of students and parents. It is all in here, the entire college planning process, every step."
- Frederick E. Rugg, bestselling author whose works include Rugg's Recommendations on the Colleges
Print Book ($26.95)
eBook PDF ($22.95)